Thursday, August 09, 2007

Wiley wants to know...

Mom is trying to convince Dad that it's time for another shiba pup. Dad thinks she's crazy (and I heard Mom tell herself that even *she* thinks she's crazy!), but I want to know what you think. Do you think my Dad should let Mom get this adorable sesame shiba from Icewind Farm? (That's where Fievel was born. . . this could be a very, very bad omen!)



Anonymous said...

"What are you crazy Wiley?" said Gus the evil beagle from the back woods of Virginia. "YES!! Go get that little puppy now, maybe she will eat Fievel."

Anonymous said...

Two is company. Three is a crowd. Some things are just better left at two. Take my tail for instance. I can't imagine having TWO of these things. Buy the stuffed duck instead.

Marcie said...

Wiley needs someone to stand up for him. He could have Wiley's back while he sneaks in a few sips from the water bowl.