Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thanksgiving At Home = LOTS of Dirty Dishes!

Hosting Thanksgiving means having lots of leftovers, but it also means having LOTS of dirty dishes. I swear, I have been cleaning FOR DAYS . . .

And days . . .

And days!

Wiley may have worked the day of Thanksgiving, but who do you think has been picking up the slack ever since?




Vi said...

Aww... such cute pictures!

Poppy said...

Wow, you worked so hard! Did you at least get holiday pay???


Simba and Jazzi said...

I don't know why the humans don't just give the plates to us to lick clean.

Simba xx

Harry said...

It's a hard job, but some doggy has to do it! Ma very much likes your stripy plates.

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Anonymous said...

Fivey, I have to hand it to you girlfriend, you know how to work a room!!!

Duke said...

You're such a good helper to your mom, Fievel! What would she do without you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Ferndoggle said...

The turkey is fun, but the clean-up can be cool too. I need to learn how to work the dishwasher, apparently.


Lizzy said...

I like to lick the left-overs out of the dishwasher too. My humans say I'm the best dishwasher in the house, hehe.


Anonymous said...

Ohhh can I have your job please - surely you're sick of it by now!!


Petra said...

oh, I can almost taste the food on those plates!

Tadpole said...

Oh my dogness - we did the SAME thing, Fievel!!! It's a tough job, but somebody's gotta do it....

L said...

Fievel - you did such a good job of cleaning all of those dishes. My girl is making me ask this - do you clean them before or after the people turned on the noisy machine?
Comet and BLU

Anonymous said...

That's so funny! Yoshi does that, too. We call it the pre-wash cycle.

Anonymous said...

That is the single most best reason to have a dog.